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OfficialDrixMalone • 2 years ago

Guess we'll see how many the MC will claim.

Daddy Tashi Beast • 1 year ago

Although MC have killed two female pirates he is not a simp but this is the actual simp test for MC let's see if he gets the jade first or gives it to the girls who are coming towards the island.i hope he doesn't give them anything and doesn't change his character and stays as a chad

MaxSpeed • 2 years ago

you can continue to watch if your tired of waiting for the next episode (https://www.chineseanime(.)co(.)in/2022/01/28/the-peak-of-true-martial-arts-episode-13-subtitle/).

just remove the parenthesis in chineseanime(.)co(.)in

Jalaluddin Aris • 2 years ago

Those 6 cultivators will be in for a tough time.

Joseph Gilbert • 2 years ago

they always do that they get into fighting form and then give up

MaxSpeed • 2 years ago


Luke W • 8 months ago

Dammit, I spoke too soon. Why would you let the pirate underlings go? They are just as guilty as their leaders.
That's a very cram-packed event schedule to have all this going on in less than a month(due to him saying he would be back in a month, even after time skipping it would mean that all of this happened within that time).
Due to the discrepancies in the feudal era Chinese calendar, I'm surprised they could measure events so accurately 12 years apart at all, let alone predict it to the day.